Site Visit & Synthesis Workshop: Wastewater Training

Curious about the water treatment installations of other companies, and how they treat their wastewater? This half-day workshop at the WWTP of a production company is the perfect inspiration, feedback and networking session!

Site Visit & Synthesis Workshop: a boost session in wastewater management

This half-day training is an interactive, practical workshop to help you optimise your wastewater management.

First, you will visit the wastewater treatment installation of a production company. You will learn how they treat their water and why they use the technologies that they do. 

After, you will brainstorm about real-life cases with the other participants and the trainer to apply your new knowledge.

Finally, you will actively work on your own questions and cases, and will get feedback from an expert that you can immediately apply to your job.


List up any questions or issues you have, and bring them to the session. You'll get feedback from peers and your expert trainer on your case immediately.

Outline & content

  • Site visit
  • Quick revision of most important concepts
  • Evaluation and discussion of cases
  • Return on experience (REX)
  • Q&A

Your trainer: an expert in water treatment

At SIWS, you will receive hands-on water treatment training from experts with years of experience in the field. Our instructors carefully design the training courses to teach you the most up-to-date and relevant insights for your challenges. Take the opportunity to get personal advice on your water treatment issues during the training. Because who better to train you than the consultants who assist companies every day from A to Z with their treatment plants?

Benefits of the Site Visit & Synthesis Workshop

  • You will explore an elaborate WWTP during the site visit
  • You will get inspiration from real-life cases
  • You will receive personalised feedback from experts
  • You can brainstorm with your peers and trainer about possible issues
  • You can also plan this training in-company (NL, EN, FR)

I want to register!


  • Tuesday 19 November 2024

Register for the Site Visit & Synthesis Workshop through the following form:


▶ You are an operator, process manager or lab assistant involved in monitoring (waste) water treatment systems

▶ You are an environmental manager or environmental coordinator who wants a good overview of the technical possibilities and bottlenecks of (waste) water treatment plants


Knowledge of (an)aerobic wastewater treatment and physicochemical treatment is recommended.  Our training modules Aerobic (Waste)Water Treatment, Nutrient Importance and Physicochemical Wastewater Treatment are an excellent preparation for this module.


Half-day session 
Day 1: 9h00 - 12h30


€ 450 (excl. 21% VAT)
Training recognized by Alimento.

Dienstverlener voor de kmo-portefeuille: DV.O249535


For more information about our general conditions, click below:


Do you need additional information or assistance in determining the most suitable training sessions for you? 

▶ T: +32 (0)9 381 51 30

Testimonies of participants

Very interactive workshop, good feedback. A nice, informative morning!

One word: GREAT!

Thanks for the interesting visit!